10 Top Reasons Why You Deserve A Scholarship (Tips for Writing a Winning Essay)

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10 Top Reasons Why You Deserve A Scholarship
College presents incredible opportunities, but let’s face it, it often comes with a hefty price tag. Therefore, securing a scholarship can feel like hitting the jackpot for financially struggling students. But, with fierce competition, how do you stand out and prove to the scholarship providers that you’re the most deserving candidate?

10 Top Reasons Why You Deserve a Scholarship (How You Should Write It):


10 Top Reasons Why You Deserve A Scholarship

1. Diligence:

I am a diligent worker who consistently puts in the effort to excel academically and overcome obstacles with unwavering perseverance.

2. Community Involvement:

My commitment to community service and volunteering illustrates my dedication to making a positive impact beyond the classroom.

3. Passion for Future Career:

With a clear vision for my future and a fervent passion driving me forward, I have actively pursued opportunities to gain insight into my desired career path.

4. Unyielding Determination:

I refuse to give up, even in the face of adversity. My relentless determination has been instrumental in achieving my goals.

5. Unique Qualities:

I possess distinctive qualities that set me apart from other applicants, ensuring that my scholarship application stands out.

6. Resilience in Overcoming Obstacles:

Challenges have only served to strengthen me, teaching valuable lessons and shaping me into a resilient individual.

7. Academic Excellence:

My high GPA and academic achievements demonstrate my commitment to learning and success.

8. Commitment to Course of Study:

I have shown dedication and enthusiasm for my chosen field of study, making me a deserving candidate for scholarship support.

9. Research and Projects:

Undertaking significant research and leading innovative projects highlight my entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to growth.

10. Leadership Experience:

Holding leadership roles showcases my ability to inspire and drive positive change within my community.


Related: How to Write a Convincing Scholarship Application Letter (With 2 Examples)


What’s the scholarship provider looking for?

Scholarship providers want to give the award to the most deserving students. So, they’re basically asking: Why should it be you?

In particular, they want to know:

What makes you unique? What are your particular interests and motivations?

How do your strengths and goals fit in with this particular scholarship? For instance, why you might deserve an athletic scholarship might be different from why you deserve a financial need scholarship.

How will you make use of the scholarship funds? Scholarship providers want to know if their awards will make a difference. Show them how this money would really help advance your goals.


Tips for writing a “Why do you deserve this scholarship?” essay

Your essay will be unique to your experiences, but there are some general guidelines you should follow. Here are tips to consider:

Crafting a Stand-Out Scholarship Essay requires careful attention to detail and a strategic approach to engaging the reader while effectively conveying your qualifications and aspirations. Here’s a detailed explanation of each point:

Capture attention with a compelling opening:

The opening of your essay sets the tone and determines whether the reader will be captivated or not. Consider starting with a vivid anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising statistic related to your experiences or the theme of the scholarship. The goal is to hook the reader’s interest from the outset and compel them to continue reading.


Related: Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Introduction for Your Scholarship Application Letter.


Articulate a clear thesis statement outlining why you deserve the scholarship:

Your thesis statement should succinctly summarize the main argument of your essay, specifically addressing why you are the most deserving candidate for the scholarship. This statement acts as the guiding principle for the rest of your essay, providing a roadmap for the reader to follow. Be direct, confident, and specific in articulating your qualifications and reasons for seeking the scholarship.

Structure your essay effectively, using vivid examples to support each point:

Organize your essay logically and coherently, with each paragraph focusing on a distinct aspect of your qualifications or experiences. Use concrete examples, anecdotes, and personal stories to illustrate your points and provide evidence of your skills, achievements, and character traits. Ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, creating a cohesive narrative that reinforces your overall argument.

Utilize statistics and data to strengthen your arguments:

Incorporating relevant statistics, data, or factual information can add credibility and depth to your essay. Whether citing academic achievements, volunteer hours, or the impact of your community involvement, supporting your claims with quantitative evidence helps to substantiate your qualifications and enhance the persuasiveness of your argument. Just ensure that the statistics are accurate and effectively contribute to your overall message.

Show, don’t tell, by illustrating your strengths through specific instances:

Rather than simply stating your strengths or qualities, demonstrate them through concrete examples and real-life experiences. Describe specific situations or challenges you’ve faced, and highlight how you’ve overcome them or utilized your strengths to achieve success. By providing tangible evidence of your abilities and character, you make a more compelling case for why you deserve the scholarship.

Maintain a positive focus on resilience and growth:

While it’s important to acknowledge any obstacles or challenges you’ve encountered, maintain a positive and forward-looking perspective throughout your essay. Emphasize how you’ve grown and learned from these experiences, showcasing your resilience, determination, and capacity for personal and academic development. Focus on the lessons learned and the progress made, rather than dwelling on setbacks or hardships.

Proofread meticulously to ensure a polished final product:

Finally, take the time to thoroughly proofread and edit your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness. Check for grammatical errors, typos, and awkward phrasing, and ensure that your writing is concise and impactful. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to gain additional perspectives and identify areas for improvement. A polished and error-free essay demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail, leaving a positive impression on the reader.

In any case, focus on how you overcame these difficulties–and how the experiences have shaped who you are today. Also, remember to focus it back on the scholarship topic at hand.

Example To Learn From:

Essay Prompt 1:

In 500 words, reflect on your journey as a law student and explain why you deserve this scholarship. Utilize examples from your academic and extracurricular experiences to showcase your commitment to the pursuit of justice and legal excellence.


“As a law student with a passion for justice and equity, my journey has been defined by a steadfast commitment to learning, advocacy, and community service. From the halls of my university to the courtrooms of our nation, I have dedicated myself to the pursuit of legal excellence and the promotion of social justice.

Throughout my academic career, I have consistently demonstrated a strong academic record and a deep understanding of legal principles. Whether participating in moot court competitions or conducting research on pressing legal issues, I have sought out opportunities to expand my knowledge and hone my advocacy skills.

Beyond the classroom, I am actively involved in community outreach and pro bono legal services. From providing legal aid to underserved communities to advocating for policy reform, I have worked tirelessly to address systemic inequalities and promote access to justice for all.

With this scholarship, I am eager to continue my journey of learning and service, ultimately making a positive impact on the legal profession and society at large. My experiences have prepared me to tackle the challenges ahead with determination, compassion, and a steadfast commitment to justice. I am grateful for the opportunity to further my education and contribute to the advancement of the rule of law in our society.”

Essay Prompt 2:

In 500 words, narrate your personal journey of resilience and explain why you deserve this scholarship. Use vivid examples to illustrate your strengths and experiences, and maintain a positive focus on growth and determination.


My journey has been one of resilience and determination. Despite facing numerous challenges along the way, I have remained steadfast in my pursuit of academic excellence and personal growth.

Growing up in a modest household, I quickly learned the value of hard work and perseverance. Despite the financial constraints that often threatened to derail my education, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I seized every opportunity to excel in my studies, earning top grades and accolades throughout my academic journey.

My commitment to community service further underscores my dedication to making a positive impact beyond the classroom. Whether volunteering at local orphanages or organizing educational workshops for underprivileged youth, I have always strived to give back to my community and uplift those in need.

One of my proudest achievements has been my involvement in environmental conservation efforts within my community. Through grassroots initiatives and tree-planting campaigns, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of collective action and environmental stewardship.

Despite the obstacles I have faced, I remain unwavering in my pursuit of a brighter future. With this scholarship, I am confident that I can continue to pursue my academic and personal goals, ultimately contributing to positive change in my community and beyond. My journey is a testament to the power of resilience, and I am ready to seize every opportunity that comes my way.”



  • Be yourself: Authenticity shines through. Don’t try to be someone you’re not.
  • Don’t sound braggy: Frame your achievements as a testament to your dedication and potential.
  • Word count matters: Respect the scholarship’s word limit. Every word is an opportunity to persuade the committee.

Bonus Tip: 

Many scholarships involve a specific field of study. Tailor your essay to highlight your passion and relevant experiences in that area.


Winning a scholarship requires more than just good grades. By crafting a compelling essay that showcases your strengths, experiences, and future aspirations, you’ll convince the scholarship committee that you deserve their investment. So, take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and write your way to a brighter financial future.



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